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Tuberculosis is a lung infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis disease.Respiratory spread from person to person transmission of the disease. Its main clinical manifestations of systemic fatigue, insomnia, night sweats, afternoon hot flashes, cough, sputum production, hemoptysis, chest pain and breathing difficulties.

(Staging) disease diagnosis and classification
TB is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the body can affect multiple organs; but the most common tuberculosis (pulmonary tuberculosis). Pai bacteria the patient is the social source of infection. Human infected with TB does not necessarily tenor incidence of the disease, only a low resistance. The pathology of this disease is characterized by nodular tuberculosis and caseous necrosis, easy formation of voids. Unless the minority can Jiqi incidence, clinical, mostly chronic process. Often have fever, fatigue and other symptoms and cough, hemoptysis and respiratory performance. Since the 1950s, the epidemic of tuberculosis has decreased, but because of the large population, control the epidemic is not balanced, it is still an important public health problem, the top ten one of the causes of death should cause us serious attention.

1. Fatigue, weight loss, fever, night sweats.
2. sputum, X-ray showed pulmonary infiltrates changes.
3. a positive tuberculin test.
4. positive sputum smear acid-fast staining.
5. sputum culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis positive.

Health Guide:

1. Tuberculosis is mainly transmitted by droplets. Patients with open pulmonary tuberculosis coughing, sneezing, laughing out loud when the spray droplets of contaminated transmitted to healthy people. Patients such as spitting, when the sputum dry sputum transmitted by aerial seeding in the air with dust. Sputum find Mycobacterium tuberculosis patient to go out should wear masks, do not face speech in front of others, not spitting. Patients should develop the habit of eating system, with the patient, meal or ingestion of contaminated food of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis can cause gastrointestinal infections.

2. Sputum positive patients should be isolated. If the separation of families, the patient's room should be living alone, eating utensils, the utensils should be separate.Bedding, clothing, etc. in the sun exposure 2 hours disinfection, utensils, boil one minute to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Room air circulation should be maintained, sunny day should open the doors and windows, each 20 to 30 minutes. Generally in the sputum negative, cancel isolation.

3. Tuberculosis should have a correct understanding of the current tuberculosis in the effects of drug treatment, very satisfied with the efficacy. TB is no longer an incurable disease. Should be a spirit of optimism and positive attitude, do adhere to the time and according to the amount of medication to complete the prescribed course of treatment, or risk factors.

4. Optional qigong, health care power, tai chi, and projects such as exercise, make the body's physiological functions return to normal.
Gradually restore health, enhance disease resistance. Usually pay attention to the cold and warm, and sexual restraint.

5. diet high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, Yi Shi fresh vegetables, fruits and beans. Should quit smoking prohibition.

Recent studies have shown that smoking will make anti-tuberculosis drugs in the blood concentration decreased, the unfavorable treatment of tuberculosis, but also increase the secretion of bronchial sputum, so that increased cough, tuberculosis spread, adding to the hot flashes, hemoptysis, night sweats and other symptoms.Alcohol can increase the toxic effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs on the liver, leading to drug-induced hepatitis, can also enable the body's blood vessels to dilate, prone to hemoptysis.